NewEgg 5/5. NewEgg app 3/5
NewEgg as a retailer of geek and geekery related products is a 5/5. Amazon is king of all overall, but NewEgg knows what geeks want and gives what geeks need. Even when I do buy from Amazon instead I always use NewEggs product description page because it gives better and more of the pertinent info on the product that I want and need. If it works out okay that I dont need same day or next day shipping Ill use NewEgg just because I dont want to see them go out of business.
The app? Disappointed that a company of geeks didnt make a better app. Super slow to load. The Amazon shopping app geeks need to head over to NewEgg and make their app. The geeks at NewEgg need to head over to Amazon and show them how to do a product description.
Then they both need to allow us to make category folders for our wish lists. The the world would be at peace and my bank account would be smaller.
Love you both!
Stubing jumbo about
Newegg - Tech Shopping Online, v5.3.0